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Deploy with Docker Compose

Deploying with Docker Compose

A compose.yml file is provided in the root of the repository to easily and quickly get Neosync up and running. This compose file is currently tailored for localhost/development environments, but should be easily adaptable to production environments.

There is a companion compose file found in the temporal folder that should be run prior to the main compose.yml to stand up a development instance of Temporal and all of it's dependencies.

Due to being a development focused setup, both Temporal and Neosync are started up without Authentication enabled. This is done to simplify configuration and standup time. Database volumes for both Tempral and Neosync are mapped to the .data folder inside of the repository. Note: If using Docker Desktop, this folder will have to be added to the list of allowed file system mappings prior to running docker compose.

$ docker compose -f temporal/compose.yml up -d
$ docker compose up -d

Once all of the containers come online, the app is now routable via http://localhost:3000.